By Samuel Gomes, Davy Monticolo, Vincent Hilaire (UTBM) and Benoît Eynard (UTT) .


International Journal of Product Developpement, 2007.


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Abstract: Collaborative design methods and tools are increasingly integrated within automotive and aeronautics industries in order to reduce costs and lead time, but also to improve product quality and value. Design tasks involve many actors and experts throughout the product lifecycle, which starts with product requirements / functional specification / product modelling / manufacturing and ends with its destruction or recycling. Software supporting collaborative design, such as PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) systems, is needed to help design team members in their project tasks. ACSP platform is a web-based PLM system. It supports the design team members in carrying out collaborative activities in product-process-design projects. An improvement of the ACSP platform has been proposed by introducing multi-agent systems at several levels of the ACSP architecture. This improvement is based on the RIO methodology and on many FIPA
specifications. With implementation Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) for content and knowledge management in collaborative engineering, one can develop autonomy, reactivity, pro-activity and social ability in the Man-Machine relationships.

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