Training for Quality in Design and Manufacturing

Generic Manager with Robust Engineering Software – Training (AIAG &VDA)

    Global objectives Implement generic studies in Robust Engineering Software to capitalize on and update your project studies. Educational objectives Learn how to use the features related to generic studies : creation, capitalization of lessons learned (feedback), and updating project studies from the generic study.Effectively structure your generic studies. Duration Implementation of Generic Studies: 1 day, 6 hours Consolidation and Advanced Training: 1 day, 6 hours (The consolidation...

Essential notions for FMEA by Knowllence web

    Global objectives Use the basic functionalities of FMEA by Knowllence and know how to complete the information resulting from work meetings, particularly in the event of a customer audit or as part of a quality improvement process. Educational objectives The learner will be able to: Carry out the external functional analysis (Option 1) Carry out then internal functional analysis (Option 2) Carry out a FMEA using the FMEA design and/or process including evolution management with Team...

AIAG-VDA & Design FMEA – Robust Engineering Software

Overall objectives To implement the Robust Engineering Software for the deployment of Design FMEA according to the 7 steps of the FMEA AIAG-VDA Ed1 manual. To implement Robust Engineering Software for the deployment of Functional Needs Analyses. → if Option 2 selectedPrice list From 1600 € (excluding tax) per day (800 € for 3 hours). Consult us for a personalized quote according to your context and the number of participants. Contact form or tel: +33(0) 381382950Pedagogical objectives To know...

AIAG-VDA & Process FMEA – Robust Manufacturing Software

Overall objectives To implement the Robust Engineering Software for the deployment of PROCESS FMEA according to the 7 steps of the FMEA – AIAG-VDA Ed1 manual To implement the Robust Engineering Software for the deployment of CONTROL PLAN and JOB DESCRIPTION → if Option 2 selected  Pedagogical objectives To know how to deploy Process FMEA in compliance with the 7 steps of the AIAG-VDA and produce the inherent documents using the Robust Engineering Software To know how to carry out and...

Knowllence, Risk Management Facilitator
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