We can’t really say that FMEAs are very loved by some teams…
If you don’t have fans of FMEAs…
There are ways to work around the problem!
Some companies have not yet implemented preventive analyses of their manufacturing operations.
Some people openly declare themselves “not fan of FMEAs“. Due to the lack of demands on behalf of their customers or simply because FMEA requires an important commitment before paying off, it is easier and simpler to start with monitoring of the manufacturing process. The field expertise of our consultants regularly confirms it.
At First, Control Plan …
This monitoring presents a complete set of controls implemented during or after manufacturing steps. Centralisation of these controls in one single document enables to establish a Control Plan:
- From Process Flowchart, we establish a list of all the controlled characteristics. For each one of them, we need to define its specification (nominal, tolerance) and its classification.
- The next step is to specify clearly its control methods : WITH WHAT? HOW? WHO? HOW MUCH? HOW OFTEN? WHERE?
- Finally we define the reaction scheme, i.e. behaviour to conduct in case of detected non-compliant characteristics (for example detected in Teexma Quality).
Control Plan is an operational document, explaining in detail contribution of controls to the final compliance of the product, It is also addressed to methods, quality, production, customers and metrology.
Control Plan is a module of Robust Manufacturing Suite. Our software solution enables to start a project with a Control Plan with no need to fill in a single FMEA line. This module can be used both by Methods and Quality. The contents of this Control Plan can be also used to edit illustrated control range.
…Process FMEA will come easily afterwards.
An intuitive Control Plan presents generally and rapidly some limits:
- Repetition of control operations
- Focusing on detection of non-compliant elements of the products rather than control of manufacturing parameters.
It is now high time to gather everybody around the table, distribute requirements of the product, hear the experts, rationalise … in short, to carry out PROCESS FMEA!
Your teams will have now experienced its limits and will better understand the necessity to invest in FMEA training and practical use of the FMEA part of the software.
Published on 2016-12-06