Knowllence rejoint Bassetti Group

In 2018, the BASSETTI Group continued its external growth strategy, particularly through the acquisition of the software publisher Knowllence, a facilitator of risk management.

Knowllence offers comprehensive solutions (software and services):

  • Quality and robustness in Design and Production (FMEA),
  • Occupational Health and Safety: Occupational Risk Assessment, Chemical Risk Assessment, Psychosocial Risks, Work Accidents and Accidentology, Follow-up of Training and Accreditation and Environmental Risk Assessment (ISO 14001),
  • Enterprise Risk Management (emergency and crisis planning).

Knowllence’s solutions are recognized and deployed worldwide by major industrial groups (automotive, energy, chemicals, etc.), and in France by service companies (MAIF, URSSAF, CNAV, etc.) and local or departmental communities.

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