Integrated Computerized Tools to Efficiently Manage the Development of New Products

Montreal on November 19th and 20th, 2007

Knowllence America will give a speech : Integrated Computerized Tools to Efficiently Manage the Development of New Products
This CSVA conference will highlight how Value Analysis/Value Management is used by product designers, service providers and project teams to innovate and remain competitive.

Innovation is critical to the survival of corporations today. Organizations have to compete against low-cost economies and try to win consumers that demand continually higher levels of value for the money they spend. Under such demanding business conditions, those organizations that can innovate and adapt will be able to survive and prosper. In many corporations most of the profits come from products released within the past few years. In addition, corporations and citizens expect that public services provided by governments and NGOs will be equally innovative in order to provide the modern physical and information infrastructure required for an effective society.

In order to harness innovation, a systematic and replicable problem solving method is essential. Value Analysis/Value Engineering is such a problem-solving method. It is an organized approach that focuses creativity towards customer needs to provide cost effective products and services. Value Analysis is a proven technique, which is used by governments and major corporations around the world to drive their innovation and create value for their customers and their organizations.

Monday, November 19
Track 1
Track 2
8h00 Continental Breakfast and Registration
8h30 Pre-Event Opening
9h00-12h00 Panel Discussion
The Integration of Value Analysis
in the Development Process of Products, Services and Projects
Training Session
Value Analysis for Beginners: Introduction to the Methodology
12h00-13h30 Lunch
13h30 – 15h00 Results of VE Projects Performed by McGill Engineering Students Working with Six Companies in the Montreal Area
15h00 -15h30 Networking Break
15h30-17h00 Case Studies Continued
17h00-18h00 Exhibitors Showcase
18h00-19h00 Gala Dinner
19h00-21h00 CSVA Awards Evening

Mardi 20 novembre


Continental Breakfast and Registration


Opening Keynote Speaker: Monsieur Clermont Gignac



Concurrent Engineering and VE
Angelo Segall
CMC Electronics

FPS in IT Development
Chris Chartrand
27 Software

VA in Multi-Utilities Tunnels
Joseph Henri CERIU


VA in Electronics Contract Manufacturing Services
Pierre Marquis
Mike Bogosian
Sanmina SCI

VA Helps the CEGEP Innovatively
Reposition Itself

Ginette Sirois
CEGEP de Chicoutimi

VE of the Du Parc/Des Pins Interchange
Roch Prud’homme


Break and Exhibitors


McGill Uses VE to Optimize its R&D Products
Simon Ouellet
McGill University

VA Helps Increase Efficiency of Board Members
Lise Bolduc
CRDP le Bouclier

Innovative VE of the Turcot Interchange Project in Montréal
André Marcotte
Ministère des Transports du Québec


VE to Innovate at H. Fontaine
Frédérick Gagnon
H. Fontaine

Strategic Repositioning of Emergency Services Using VE
Louise Beaudin and Marko Blais
Corporation d’Urgences-santé

VE Helps Prioritize Water Infrastructure Projects
Jean Lavoie
Service de l’environnement de la Ville de Laval


Lunch and Keynote Speaker: Monsieur Gabriel Issid

13h30 – 14h00

VE to Innovate in a Multi-Million Dollar Plant Upgrade Project
Andrea DeMori

Improving the Role of Managers in the Health Services with VE
Bernard Fortin
Centre jeunesse des Laurentides

VE Helps Match Real Estate Programs to Clinical Programs
Gilles Tremblay
Centres jeunesse de Lanaudière


Innovation, VA and the Product Development Process
Guy Belletête

Improving Services for the Young in Difficulties Program with VE
Pierre Racette
Centres jeunesse de Lanaudière

FPS of the New Metro Cars in Montreal
André Baril
Société de Transport de Montréal


Break and Exhibitors

15h00 -15h30

Integrated Computerized Tools to Efficiently Manage the Development of New Products
Thierry Beaujon

Improving the Role of
the Nurse in the Fight Against Cancer with VE

Ghislaine Boucher
CSSS de Rivière du Loup

VE of Access scenarios at Glenn site in Montréal
Pierre Major
Centre universitaire de santé McGill (CUSM)


VE and Time to Cost
Ziad Eldada
Creative VE

Improving the Competency Profiles for Professional Mandates with VE
Ronald Blanchet

VE to Identify the Most Innovative Water Alternative at Wainfleet
Fletcher Group


VA and Exergy
Richard Berthiaume

Value Analysis at the Heart of Experiential Marketing
Daniel Blanchette



(F) – The presentation will be in French. (E) – The presentation will be in English. In both cases, the texts will be projected in English

Please register directly to the:

Canadian Society of Value Analysis, 100 Craig Henry Drive, Suite 203 Ottawa, ON K2G 5W3 Tél: (613) 228-7138 Fax: (613) 228-7871


Knowllence, Risk Management Facilitator
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