Overall objectives
To implement the Robust Engineering Software for the deployment of PROCESS FMEA according to the 7 steps of the FMEA – AIAG-VDA Ed1 manual
To implement the Robust Engineering Software for the deployment of CONTROL PLAN and JOB DESCRIPTION → if Option 2 selected
Pedagogical objectives
To know how to deploy Process FMEA in compliance with the 7 steps of the AIAG-VDA and produce the inherent documents using the Robust Engineering Software
To know how to carry out and follow the Control Plan and Job Description using the Robust Manufacturing Software → if Option 2 selected
100% synchronous option: 1 day or 6 hours.
- Option: control plan and job descriptions: 1/2 day, or 3 hours
- Option: consolidation training: 1 day, or 6 hours
(The consolidation training will be scheduled depending on the customer’s context)
Blended-Learning option (web version): 3h30 of e-learning + 3 hours with a trainer divided into 3 remote sessions
- Control plan included
- Option: consolidation training: 1 day, or 6 hours
(The consolidation training will be scheduled depending on the customer’s context)
Price list
From 1600 € (excluding tax) per day (800 € for 3 hours). Consult us for a personalized quote according to your context and the number of participants. Contact form or tel: +33(0) 381382950
Training program
- Presentation of the Knowllence company
- Participants round table and formalization of their expectations
- Presentation of the training program
- Presentation of the pedagogical approach (concepts explanation, software demonstration, practice on contextualized exercises)
- Optional reminder of the FMEA according to the AIAG-VDA methodology
- STEP 1: Planning and preparation
- Frame the analysis with the 5T
- Setting up report headers
- Scope of the project
- STEP 2: Structural analysis
- Construction and modeling of the Process structure
- Identification of the process step studied
- Level of priority
- STEP 3: Functional analysis
- Functions identification according to AIAG-VDA recommendations
- Functions Network setup
- Working with requirements and characteristics
- STEP 4: Failure analysis
- Failures identification according to AIAG-VDA recommendations
- Failures Network setup
- Severities consistency and effects – Links between Design FMEA and Process FMEA
- STEP 5: Risk analysis
- Definitions of prevention and detection measures and evaluation rules
- Implementation into the software, selection of occurrences and detections
- Calculation of the AP (Action Priority) of the Risk
- STEP 6: Optimization
- Definitions of prevention and detection measures and evaluation rules
- Implementation into the software, selection of occurrences and detections
- Calculation of the AP (Action Priority) of the Risk
- STEP 7: Documentation of results
- Automatic export according to the recommendations of the standard
- Change the formatting of HTML reports
- Export to PDF
Control Plan and Job Description
- Control plan and Job description
- Product Characteristics
- Process Characteristics
- Control specification
- Control plan phases
- The link with the Process FMEA
- The link to the job description
- Control plan and Job description edition
Consolidation of acquired skills
Skills building is enhanced by the implementation of the following steps throughout the training program:
- Concepts presentation (by the trainer)
- Illustration of the concepts into the software (demonstration of the software by the trainer)
- Appropriation of concepts and software (manipulation of the software by students)
- Practice on exercises in autonomy (by the students with the help of the trainer if necessary)
The dedicated day to consolidation training will be planned according to the customer’s context. The scheduled hours will be dedicated to exchanges with the trainer on all points raising questions following the initial contribution and /or requiring a more advanced practice of the software suite. → if Option 1 selected
Appraisal, corrections and additions
All the exercises are presented and corrected in order to come back to the difficulties encountered by the students.
- Questions / Answers
- Knowllence recommendations for deployment by your teams
All profiles in charge of quality, methods, production, or design that must implement the new AIAG-VDA Ed1standard.
Participants must have previously completed training on the FMEA AIAG-VDA Ed1 standard.
Training approach
Technical and organizational resources
Participants must be equipped with a laptop or a desktop. Participants will need to verify access to the software before starting the training. If needed, hotline support will be available to verify and assist in the successful launch of this connection prior the first training session.
Teaching methods and work required
The training sessions, done remotely or video projected on site, are illustrated by contextualized contributions and exercises to be carried out by the learners.
Trainees assessment
Knowledge control is carried out through the proper performance of exercises and practical work throughout the training and at the end of the learning session.
Training assessment
- Attendance sheet signed on-site or remotely electronically signed
- Online satisfaction survey
Support and follow-up
A Customer Area is accessible to our users directly from the software or by connecting to https://www.knowllence.com/en/customer-service.
You will find videos, documents to download (pocket guide…), the content of updates, frequently asked questions and access to the hotline.
If you wish to receive our information regularly by email, create an account on https://www.knowllence.com/en/customer-service or report to info[at]knowllence.com.
Engineer, mechanic, quality specialist, generalist or chemist, experienced and specialized in risk control methods and in the operational implementation of software. Working language: French or English, to be specified when setting training dates.
General and good pratices around Knowllence training
We have referenced in a Frequently Asked Questions Training (https://www.knowllence.com/en/blog-design-manufacturing/training-faq.html) the questions that regularly arise around our training services, do not hesitate to consult it or to call us at tel: + 33(0)381382950.