Global objectives

Use the basic functionalities of FMEA by Knowllence and know how to complete the information resulting from work meetings, particularly in the event of a customer audit or as part of a quality improvement process.

Educational objectives

The learner will be able to:

  • Carry out the external functional analysis (Option 1)
  • Carry out then internal functional analysis (Option 2)
  • Carry out a FMEA using the FMEA design and/or process including evolution management with Team Manager
  • Enter his meeting and document evolution information using Team Manager
  • To generate and monitor Surveillance Plans and Job Descriptions
  • Consolidation of acquired skills (Option 3)


2 sessions of 3 hours each, making a total of 6 hours. (For Design FMEA)
3 sessions of 3 hours each, making a total of 9 hours. (For Process FMEA + control plan)
2 sessions of 3 hours each (Option 3 for consolidation and deepening of skills based on the client context)

Price list

From 1600 € (excluding tax) per day (800 € for 3 hours). Consult us for a personalized quote according to your context and the number of participants. Contact form or tel: +33(0) 381382950

Pedagogical process


  • From Knowllence, participants and formalization of their expectations
  • The pedagogical approach used (3 courses composed of a discovery part, then realization and manipulation) and the training program
  • Methodological sequences: how to move from one step to another in Robust Engineering Software WEB or Robust Manufacturing Software WEB from a customer example previously filled in by the customer (by default use of the example of ”the bionic hand”)

Global handling of FMEA

  • Access to the project and study content via the home page
  • Rights and role information
  • Tree scanning: details of tree pavers entries, first notions of entries with insertion of a life/function/ phase of a manufacturing operation
  • Positioning tables relative to the tree
  • Change history (data version)
  • Indicators
  • Editions of different documents in PDF / HTML / Excel

Creation of a study with the participants and the video projection trainer.

Plan to bring an example (paper or other) in progress to create a project.

  • Creating a study from the sample
  • Filling in general information
  • Realization of the tree structure with the information life phase / function / components / manufacturing operation

Continuation of learning by the participant and validation.

Fill in a FMEA table

  • Explanation of the content of the different tables (Product FMEA, APR, FMEA Process…) according to the subjects
  • Explanation on the creation, insertion of a mode, a cause, an effect, quotations…

Creation of a complete table with the participants and the trainer.

  • Scanning of the table, first notions of input with insertion of a mode, a cause, an effect, quotations …
  • Use of libraries, in input and addition,
  • Capture and construction of the approach (mode, effect, causes, detection…) according to the topics covered
  • Positioning tables relative to the tree

Continuation of the entry by the participants and validation of the prior learning: some tables are completed.

Finalize input tables

  • A few words about roles and/or translations

Continuation of the study to control the enrichment of libraries and to finalize the FMEA and the Monitoring Plan/Validation Plan (depending on the subject matter)

  • Reconciliation of information to be entered and print outputs
  • Using Excel
  • Use of the PO Monitoring Plan table or the component validation plan

Update meetings / evolutions information (thanks to Team Manager)

Participants discuss in this part the management of meetings and developments and associated editions

  • Creating meetings with participants and hints
  • Creating documents with meeting participants and hints

Option 1: Functional Analysis of the need with the Horned Beast and Octopus tools

  • Realization of the expression of need: with use of the Horned Beast
  • Entry of life phases and related functions
  • Search for functions: construction and ergonomics of the Octopus
  • Organization of functions in tree form: order
  • Characterize a function
  • The edition of the functional specifications (CdCF)

Option 2: Technical functional analysis with the IBD tool

  • Creation of the product structure
  • Realization of the technical functional analysis with the block diagram
  • Description of internal functions
  • Assignment of functions to components (FAC)

Consolidation of acquired skills

  • Free manipulation of participants
  • Putting into practice the features studied during the day

Balance sheet, correction and supplement

Validation of prior learning through the “pocket guide” and possibly a MCQ
Questions / Answers


A look back at the participants’ expectations expressed at the beginning of the day
Evaluation sheet of the day to be completed


Stakeholders in the use of FMEA by Knowllence software for the drafting of a FMEA, Control Plan, Job Description…


The sponsor ensures that participants have received prior training in the FMEA method and corresponding vocabulary.

April 2023

Method mobilized

Technical and organizational resources

If the training takes place on your premises

  • Room equipped with 1 PC per person with an internet connection (maximum 2 participants per PC accepted) + video projector provided by the customer.
  • Temporary licenses of the software provided by Knowllence and installed in collaboration with your IT department, before the 1st session.
  • If necessary, an appointment (screen sharing) is scheduled to validate the computer installation of the training room, before the 1st session.

If the training takes place remotely

  • Knowllence prepares access to the software, if necessary with your IT department.
  • The tool used for these remote sessions is by default the Teams or Gotomeeting software, or any other video conferencing tool.
  • We ask you to provide learners with the necessary equipment and a quiet space, appropriate for the reception of training or, in case of teleworking, to ensure that these conditions are met:
    • Have a sufficient internet connection to follow a videoconference training
    • Have per participant, a system to see, be seen, hear and speak: computer equipped with a webcam if possible + speakers or headphones + microphone.

If the training is in blended learning

  • All distance learning clauses apply.
  • The training sequences will be divided into synchronous (in the presence of the trainer) and asynchronous (autonomous) parts. The sponsor agrees that the learner can plan time to complete the asynchronous modules within the allotted time.

Pedagogical modalities and requested work

Presentation in video-projection and many manipulations and practical work on the software and distributed as follows:

  • discovery = presentation by the trainer, the participants do not touch anything,
  • directed input = simultaneous manipulation (trainer + participants on their PCs)
  • application = manipulation performed by participants on their PCs.

The training will take place either on an example provided by the client, or on an example proposed by Knowllence.

Evaluation modalities

  • Prior learning assessment questionnaire
  • Training satisfaction questionnaire
  • Attendance sheet (sign-in list)

Means of support and follow-up

A customer area is accessible to our users directly from the software or by logging in here. You will find videos, documents to download (pocket guide…), the content of updates, frequently asked questions and access to the hotline. If you wish to receive our information regularly by email, create an account here or report to info[at]


Engineer, mechanic, quality specialist, generalist or chemist, experienced and specialized in risk management methods and operational implementation of software. Working language: French or English, to be specified when setting the training dates.

General and best practices around Knowllence training

We have referenced in a Frequently Asked Questions Training the questions that arise regularly around our training services, do not hesitate to consult it or call us at the phone: + 33 (0) 381382950.

Knowllence, Risk Management Facilitator
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